Who we are

9-Tech is a start-up made up of a team of engineers and researchers who study and create prototypes, in particular develop new solutions to recover strategic materials from electronic waste.

The mission of 9-Tech is to ensure e-waste upcycling, that is the valorisation of critical raw materials contained in it.
Among the technologies under study, the one with the highest TRL concerns the recycling of photovoltaic waste.

Thanks to the cooperation with Depuracque, 9-Tech will sell in Italy and Europe plants for PV panels recylcing, recovering more raw materials and with higher purity compared to the existent solutions.

9-Tech is committed in more research projects about circular economy and ESG (Envinronmental, Social, Governance) supporting the design and the construction of prototypes and developing the patented technologies it owns.

Our history

Since its foundation, on 30th January 2020, 9-Tech started to work on the realisation of a pilot plant for PV panels recycling thanks to the support of the Booster and Accelerator projects (1st and 2nd phase) of EIT Raw Materials (85k euros).

In 2021 permissions were requested for the building of a pilot plant with support from Veritas group, which hosts the prototype. Moreover, 9-Tech has won the first prize in the contest hosted by VeNiSIA Accelerator Program.

In 2022 the company won first prize in the Intesa SanPaolo ESG challenge which allowed the start-up to modify the pilot plant making it operational, carry out experiments on thermal and mechanical treatment, develop and patent a treatment to recover silver using reagents with low environmental impact and increase and extend patents.

The company currently owns 2 EU patents on photovoltaic recycling and another 4 have been filed.

The Depuracque company became a shareholder of the company with the aim of supporting the industrialization of the prototype.

In 2023 the company won Fortune Italy‘s Change the World Italia award and was included among the 10 best companies in the business sector for the circular economy (sustainable development award).

Since January 2023 it has started coordinating the European project PARSIVAL, a RIS Capacity Building project financed by EIT RawMaterials and since October it is participating in the horizon EVERPV project.

In the first months of 2024 the experimental phase of the pilot plant and the design of a 3000 ton/year plant to be built in Porto Marghera were concluded.
The authorization process for the plant began in 2024.

  • 30th Janyary 2020: foundation
  • June: start of development of the 9PV pilot plant (40.000 euros booster project)
  • September: pilot plant completed
  • October: Application for the first two patents (oven and separation method)
  • May: Permission requested for pilot plant.
  • October: Patents on the process granted
  • November: first prize at the VeNiSIA contest (20k)
  • July: 1st prize at ESG by Intesa SanPaolo (250k) contest
  • July: pilot plant authorised
  • September: Extension of intellectual property patents (EU)
  • October: deal with Depuracque (joint venture)
  • January: beginning to coordinate the PARSIVAL project
  • February: 1st prize Fortune Italia
  • October: EVERPV project starts
  • November: Sustainable Development Award
  • January: extension of the patent for silver recovery in EU, USA and CN.
  • January: completion of experimental plant tests.
  • February: patent application for separation machines.
  • April: request for industrial plant authorizations
  • August: Patent application for ultrasonic cleaning reactor.
  • December: Silver recovery patent granted.
  • Start of industrial plant construction scheduled

Our team

We are a young reality that brings together the energies of different researchers and professionals who collaborate and support our project!

Pietrogiovanni Cerchier


Francesco Miserocchi


Rosa Lubrano


Nicola Levorato

President of the board

Alberto Nalon


Luca Pezzato


Francesco Nisato

Prototypes design and building

Margherita Turatello

Administration support

Marco Sinico

Marketing and comms

Vittorio Cerchier
Vittorio Cerchier

Project Manager
ITS Engineering

Download the 9-Tech Gender Equality Plan

Our effort for gender equality

9-Tech: the start-up for circular economy

We are available for

Design and development of small pilot plants and prototipes.

Provide industrial plants employing our turnkey technologies, relying on our partners (Depuracque) for implementation.

License our patents abroad.

Collaborations for developing researches together: take a look to our projects!

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